Browse NSL Experts

Kaveh Alizadeh, MD
Plastic Surgeon, Chairman, Mission: Restore

Melissa Bernstein
Co-Founder, Melissa & Doug

Disan Davis, PHD
Scientist, The Rockefeller University

Kadija Ferryman, PHD
Health Data Expert, Cultural Anthropologist

Jeffrey Friedman, MD, PhD
Rockefeller University Professor, Human Genetics and Weight

Michael Gerrard
Columbia Law School Professor, Environmental and Energy Law

Jodi Gold, MD
Pediatric Psychiatrist, Author of Screen-Smart Parenting

Spencer Greenberg, PHD
Polymath, Entrepreneur, Mathematician

Robert Hallman
Energy and Environmental Policy Expert

Heather Hansen
Persuasion/Influence Expert, Credibility Expert

Sarah Holloway
Entrepreneurship, Education Technology (EdTech), Start Ups, and Non-Profit Management, Columbia University

Brendan Koerner
Journalist, Contributing Editor at Wired

Ryan Oakes
Professional Magician, Mentalist

Jim Rickards
Geopolitical and Capital Markets Expert

Katherine Saunders, MD
Obesity Expert, Weill Cornell Medicine

Adam Segal, PhD
Council on Foreign Relations, Director of Digital and Cyberspace Policy

Michael Slepian, PHD
Secrecy, Trust and Deception, Columbia Business School

Rick Smolan
CEO of Against All Odds Productions, Best-Selling Author and Photographer

Nim Tottenham, PhD
Child Brain Development Psychology, Neuroscience

Matthew Waxman
National and Cyber Security Law, Columbia Law School Professor